27 research outputs found

    USAge of Groupware in Software Engineering Education at the Cscw Laboratory of University Duisburg-essen: Possibilities and Limitations

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    This paper analyzes the application level in CSCW laboratory there are Electronic meeting rooms, Video Conferencing, Desktop Conference (Passenger), and BSCW system which conducting in The University Duisburg – Essen Germany. This analysis included short analysis and discussion about possibilities and limitation of each experiment followed by outlook how this lab can be further developed.Multi-user to Multipoint Videoconferences is introduced to cover all of devices join to the conferences. A computer network, PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network), ISDN Phone, Wireless Infrastructures (accessed by laptop, smart phone, PDA) and videoconferences systems is proposed to be integrate

    Factors Affecting the Successful Implementation of E-Government on Network Documentation and Legal Information Website in Riau

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    Network documentation and legal information website is a form of e-government applications such as Jaringan Dokumentasi dan Informasi Hukum (JDIH). JDIH website must be designed to be an effective and efficient information system. This study aims to determine the success factors of the implementation of JDIH website. The DeLone and McLean model and the Unified Theory Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) are the models used in this study. The case study is conducted in the Riau legal and human rights office. Data are obtained through questionnaires from 252 respondents in the Riau provincial government and some communities. The analysis uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS). The results of this study show that nine hypotheses have positive effects. Meanwhile, four hypotheses have no positive effects on the success and use of JDIH website. The findings of this research will be used as a reference inthe development of JDIH website in the future

    The Usability of E-learning Platforms in Higher Education: A Systematic Mapping Study

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    The use of e-learning in higher education has increased significantly in recent years, which has led to several studies being conducted to investigate the usability of the platforms that support it. A variety of different usability evaluation methods and attributes have been used, and it has therefore become important to start reviewing this work in a systematic way to determine how the field has developed in the last 15 years. This paper describes a systematic mapping study that performed searches on five electronic libraries to identify usability issues and methods that have been used to evaluate e-learning platforms. Sixty-one papers were selected and analysed, with the majority of studies using a simple research design reliant on questionnaires. The usability attributes measured were mostly related to effectiveness, satisfaction, efficiency, and perceived ease of use. Furthermore, several research gaps have been identified and recommendations have been made for further work in the area of the usability of online learning

    Kajian Struktur Pita Elektronik Graphene Dan Graphane Menggunakan Model Ikatan Kuat Realistik Dengan Ketakteraturan (Halaman 28 S.d. 33)

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    Dua model matriks hasil modifikasi model ikatan kuat untuk mendekati struktur pita elektronik graphene dan graphane dengan banyak atom beserta beberapa macam ketakteraturannya telah berhasil disusun. Model total menjumlahkan matriks tansfer dan overlap tiap unit cell berukuran 2 × 2 elemen untuk graphene dan 4 × 4 elemen untuk graphane. Model diagonal menyusun tiap unit cell secara diagonal pada matriks transfer dan overlapnya dengan ukuran 2N × 2N elemen untuk graphene dan 4N × 4N elemen untuk graphane (N = jumlah unit cell).Model-model matriks tersebut kemudian didiagonalisasi secara numerik untuk dihasilkan grafik dispersi energi dan rapat keadaan. Pengkajian lebih lanjut tentang ketakteraturan diawali dengan simetrisasi rapat keadaan yaitu membuang matriks overlap s dan mereduksi nilai parameter hopping menjadi 1 eV. Variasi parameter hopping next nearest neighbour t\u27 hanya mengubah rentang pita energi dan menggeser titik K paralel dengan sumbu momentum

    Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Keberadaan Agen Tunggal Pemegang Merek (Atpm) di Indonesia Ditinjau dari Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Perdata

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    Tulisan ini membahas tentang bagaimana suatu perlindungan hukum mengenai keagenan dapat ditegakkan melalui peninjauan berdasarkan kesepakatan yang dibuat antara prinsipal dengan agen terutama Agen Tunggal Pemegang Merek (ATPM) secara prosedural dari pendeskripsian persyaratan, tata cara pendaftaran, sanksi, pelanggaran, hak dan kewajiban yang dimiliki melalui Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan No.11/M/M-DAG/PER/3/2006 tentang Ketentuan dan Tata Cara Penerbitan Surat Tanda Pendaftaran Agen atau Distributor Barang dan Jasa, serta relevansinya dengan Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata (KUHPer) buku III mengenai perikatan sebagai landasan hukum

    Potential of Fungus Metarhizium Brunneum Petch as Bio Insectisides to Control Termite Macrotermes Gilvus Hagen in Castor Plantation

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    One of the important pest of castor plant (Jatropha curcas L) in Indonesia is termite Macrotermes gilvus. While entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium brunneum has been proven effective against this termite and the subterranean termite M. gilvus in the laboratory, the performance of the fungus in the field need to be studied. The aims of the research are to investigate the cruising distance and colony population of M. gilvus before and after application of M. brunneum. Triple mark recapture technique has been used to predict the termite colony population size. The suspension of fungi at density 1,21x106 conidia ml-1 was poured at each experimental station (150 ml per station). The result showed that in block I (15,210 m2), block II (5,700 m2), block III (27,000 m2); 8, 1 and 15 termite colonies have been detected respectively from which, 150,388; 59,219; and 149,459 individual were found. In block I, the termites cruised as far as 140,5 m, as compared to 140 m in block III. In all blocks, we noted the significant decrease of termite population after application of M. brunneum, from initial population 359,066 to 15,015 individual

    Potentially Invasive Plant Types in Way Kambas National Park

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    Tumbuhan asing invasif merupakan salah satu ancaman bagi keanekaragaman hayati Indonesia. Tumbuhan ini dapat mengubah ekosistem dengan mendominasi lanskap. Mengingat besarnya dampak yang dapat ditimbulkan oleh invasi tumbuhan di kawasan konservasi, maka perlu dilakukan inventarisasi jenis-jenis tumbuhan yang berpotensi invasif di Taman Nasional Way Kambas (TNWK), sehingga dampak negatif dari invasi akan mudah di cegah. Inventarisasi dilakukan dengan membuat plot analisis vegetasi pada empat tipe vegetasi di TNWK, yaitu vegetasi hutan, vegetasi hutan campuran, vegetasi rawa dan vegetasi alang-alang. Berdasarkan hasil analisis vegetasi, diperoleh 11 jenis tumbuhan berpotensi invasif di TNWK, yaitu Actinoscirpus grossus, Clidemia hirta, Chromolaena odorata, Fimbristylis ovata, Hyptis capitata, Imperata cylindrica, Isachne globosa, Lantana camara, Melaleuca leucadendron, Melastoma malabathricum, dan Mimosa pigra. Invasive alien plant species are a threat to Indonesia's biodiversity. These plants can change ecosystems by dominating landscapes. Given the magnitude of the impact that can be caused by plant invasions in conservation areas, it is necessary to carry out an inventory of potentially invasive plant species in Way Kambas National Park (TNWK), so that the negative impacts of these invasions can be easily prevented. . The inventory was carried out by plotting vegetation analysis on four types of vegetation in TNWK, namely forest vegetation, mixed forest vegetation, swamp vegetation, and alang-alang vegetation. Based on the results of the vegetation analysis, 11 species of plants that have the potential to be invasive in TNWK were found, namely Actinoscirpus grossus, Clidemia hirta, Chromolaena odorata, Fimbristylis ovata, Hyptis capitata, Imperata cylindrica, Isachne globosa, Lantana camara, Melaleuca leucadendron, Melastoma malabathricum, dan Mimosa pigra